Driving integration test first accelerates the resolution of architecturally significant issues into earlier phases of the life cycle.
This allows traceability between the test cases and use cases and helps assure greater levels of success during the entire project life cycle.
The service deployment life cycle includes the test stage, during which the team confirms that a service works properly before activating it.
If the test data is gathered before hand it ensures the QA life cycle will be not be disrupted with the possibility that data is unavailable for certain test cycles.
You can use this framework to test the complete life cycle of a portlet.
Product life-cycle flexibility: You can deploy one version of DB2 for production, and a newer llevel to test new fix packs.
产品生命周期的灵活性:可以部署某个版本的DB2 用于生产,另外部署一个更新的版本,用于测试新的修复包。
No new phases are introduced into the test life cycle for NFT, but the scope of each activity is broadened to include NF requirements.
The evaluation and test of a given deliverable may span multiple phases of the project life cycle.
In general, it is difficult to obtain a large number of test data about battery cycle life.
An effective test program, incorporating the automation of software testing, involves a mini-development life cycle of its own.
Solder joint fatigue life is generally ascertained through accelerated temperature cycle test on electrical subassembly.
In this scenario there is a 'core test automation group' available which owns the responsibility for all the life cycle of activities of test automation project.
Tracing it to its cause, software test management is very important during the life cycle of whole software.
Test of circle life indicates that the described desalinator not only has effective desalination but also a long cycle period.
Use life is calculated with failure rate, and the test cycle is determined.
This in turn indicates that to optimize testing conditions test medium renewal should if possible be conducted if running the full life cycle study.
Simulation test also shows, car body in 30 years prototype life cycle won't appear oxidation rust, and can be used, high salt and other special wet natural environment.
Bug track system is an important test management tool; it is applied to the whole software development life cycle. Various roles and complex procedure are characteristics of bug track process.
Then a simulation of cycle discharge performance was carried out by using the cycle life test data got at high-temperature. The error of discharge voltage was less than 0.6%.
Products only through research and development, test, and then entered the market, its market life cycle begins.
A method to test the cycle life of hydrogen storage alloy electrode was reported.
Meanwhile, simulation is a tool to develop, test and maintain the system to shorten the development life-cycle, improve the product quality and save research cost.
In identifying parameters of the models, isothermal fatigue test results were applied A method using isothermal cycle data for predcting thermomechanical fatigue life bine was developed.
Based on the orthogonal test design, this paper studied the effect of low cycle stress, high-low cycle stress ratio , high cycle number and high cycle frequency on complex fatigue life.
The supersonic treated powders have a long charge-recharge platform, higher capacity and static cycle life according to the electrochemical performance test.
The supersonic treated powders have a long charge-recharge platform, higher capacity and static cycle life according to the electrochemical performance test.