In China, nine has the similar pronunciation with the word "forever", meaning long life.
The vast majority of God's will for your life is in God's Word.
Any overview of black life in this country that does not include the word pain is hopelessly deficient.
The only thing that can guarantee true transformation in your life is found in God's Word.
“I want to thank you in person for the impact you’ve had on my life, ” I began. “Nearly 30 years ago, you introduced my eighth-grade class to the wonders of the written word.
When I mentioned the word "simplicity" in reference to this blog, one woman asked me "How do you simplify your life?"
So, what’s the six-letter word that determines success in life?
One of my (several) frustrations in life is the eclectic way the word “science” is used in human discourse.
Miyano says that he has never been ambitious "in the conventional sense of the word" and sees no need for the traditional life trappings of a wife and a house in the suburbs.
So, what's the six-letter word that determines success in life?
He writes with great fluency and is the least self-consciously obscure of poets: you don't find yourself snagged on a word that has spent most of its life slumbering in a dictionary.
Albert Fish was a true life monster in every sense of the word.
Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.
Nowhere will it ever be completed in the truest sense of the word, because your life is a journey to be discovered every day.
It will give you a unique experience that you will never forget all your life. It is indeed a spring city in the real sense of the word.
In a word I was eccentric and could not fit myself into everyday life like the ordinary man.
Life is short. In an improper word, the actual period lived is only half of what men should have, they die halfway.
Soon, word got out that Marvin was in The Life.
Sophocles: One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is love.
In writing, we often use the word of some good book, good sentence and life philosophy.
"Get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent..." (James 1:21 NIV) When you have a sin in your life, it blocks your hearing and prevents God's Word from getting into your heart.
“所以你们要脱去一切的污秽,和盈馀的邪恶……”(James 1:21NIV)当你的人生中有了罪过,这罪过将妨碍你的聆听、并阻止神的道进入你的心灵。
In a word, whether you like it or not, the advertisement pours into your life.
In fact, the word "whisky" comes from the Scottish Gaelic uisge beatha, an adaptation of the Latin phrase aqua vitae, meaning "water of life."
其实,单词“威士忌”来。来自苏格兰苏格兰盖立语的生命之水(uisgebeatha),它是一个拉丁短语“烈性酒(aqua vitae)”的改写,意思是“生命之水”。
What am I doing in my life right now that I can replace, a personal activity, with studying the Word of God?
One doctor friend of mine suggested that "they haven't created life in any sense of the word, other than a person playing a cassette has invented the tape recorder."
One doctor friend of mine suggested that "they haven't created life in any sense of the word, other than a person playing a cassette has invented the tape recorder."