But hauling tons of equipment to the moon to make fuel and build a life support system for a moon base, wouldn't that be too expensive?
They discover that they have a telepathic worm connected to a life support system.
As the life support system, ecosystem is providing a range of services for human well-beings.
Abtract : Objective: To verify the ensemble performance of the life support system after repackaging.
The new Water Recovery system is the second part of a comprehensive life support system for the station.
The oceans are the life support system of the planet yet everything that happens on land eventually impacts the oceans.
The frontiers of urban ecological research include: Industrial Ecology, Built Ecology and Life Support System Ecology.
Vader's life support system included a chest-worn, computerized control panel unit that regulated his respiratory functions.
The Orlan-MK suits have a mini-computer in their life support system backpack which monitors the suit's systems and issues a warning during malfunctions.
Objective To deal with the mass optimization of thermal control system as well as environmental control and life support system(ECLSS) of manned spacecraft.
The thermal control system is a important component of the portable life support system. It's function is to keep the astronaut at thermal comfortable state.
Just when the clock struck 11:00, Pookie Johnson, the part-time Sunday sweeper, entered the ward and unplugged the life support system so he could use the vacuum cleaner.
In the UK in 1993, doctors switched off the life support system keeping alive Tony Bland, a 22-year - old who had been in a coma for three years following the Hillsborough disaster.
This is actually a Cadillac produced the ultra-high strength bulletproof cars, bulletproof car assembly's unique system, advanced communication devices and life support systems.
Putting a price on these services is like taking out an insurance policy to maintain our life support system and has the potential to generate billions of dollars for forest-owning nations.
“If you cut down more trees than you grow, you run out of trees,” writes Gilding.“If you put additional nitrogen into a water system, you change the type and quantity of life that water can support.
If you put additional nitrogen into a water system, you change the type and quantity of life that water can support.
In May 1998, Michael Schiavo petitioned a circuit court to order his wife's life-support system to be removed.
It orbits too far away from its star to support liquid water or life as we know it, but scientists predict there are other stars in the system that might be good candidates for alien life.
In our won solar system, for example, Venus is far too hot and Mars is far too cold to support life.
In our own solar system, for example, Venus is far too hot and Mars is far too cold to support life.
And by love, they mean strong family bonds, a sense of a support system, spending time with each other (getting hugs, smiles, kisses), and having a great partner in life also helped.
The financial system suffered cardiac arrest and had to be put on artificial life support.
This is the first spaceship to be equipped with full life support and emergency escaping system.
Thee atmosphere is a complex, dynamic natural gaseous system that is essential to support life on planet Earth.
"Climate change is beginning to damage our natural life-support system," he says.
Darth Vader's grim black attire was a life-support system, his labored mechanical breathing the sound of a walking iron lung.
In our own solar system, for example, Venus is far too hot and Mars is far too cold to support life.
Success leaves clues, so together the product and support system cement the mindset necessary, to achieve results you desire in your life.
Success leaves clues, so together the product and support system cement the mindset necessary, to achieve results you desire in your life.