Sometimes even a light touch on the face is enough to trigger off this pain.
She handles this difficult subject with a light touch.
Pierre used a short piece of woodchip to touch a light which was flashing, and Corbeau was seen prodding a metal toad with a stick.
Most Roman pottery is light and smooth to touch and very tough, although, like all pottery, it shatters if dropped on a hard surface.
Ever and anon the light from his cigar gave a touch of colour to his face.
"Light touch" regulation, which gave bank bosses plenty of room provided they seemed to know what they were doing, is to be replaced with a much heavier hand, but it is attached to the same people.
Instead, the film's light touch finds comedy in both men's handicaps: the one physical, the other social.
He presided over the FSA when the so-called "light touch" regulation was put in place.
Yet once hedge funds are established in Britain, the regulator USES a relatively light touch based on broad principles, including protecting consumers and promoting competition.
Suddenly he felt the light touch of a fin.
With a deceptively light touch, Tyler creates a stunningly realistic, and ultimately optimistic, portrait of marriage. Hadley freeman.
A light touch helps, too, of course.
Another effective technique flirting is a light touch: the arm to shoulder to elbow.
Then she and her daughter took it home. Gail put it in her bedroom, out of the kids' reach-one light touch and the message might vanish forever.
By positioning the subject near the light source and allowing some of the subject to underexpose, the photographer can let light touch only the most important part of the subject.
Look for the Light Touch, in a form similar to the current 6.5-inch prototype, in retail stores or restaurants later this year.
The Light Touch casts a big image from up close by bouncing lasers off a 0.4-inch microdisplay, using techniques from holography to keep the picture in focus despite the sharp projection angle.
This light touch is the trigger that can help you access the present moment, and escape stress.
The home secretary says she authorised a trial of light-touch inspection for Europeans, including children travelling with their parents, to allow agents to focus on more suspicious people.
Here, in a very glamorous setting, the matter of handbags is taken seriously, stylishly and with a light touch.
That mirrors the financial regulators' now-infamous light-touch regime.
The young director, Raj Kumar Gupta, studies the dark side of booming, urbanising, India and, although he veers towards caricatures at times, he has a mostly light touch.
年轻导演拉杰•库马尔•古普塔(Raj Kumar Gupta)研究着日渐繁荣、正在城市化的印度的阴暗面,尽管他会不时转而进行讽刺,但其主要风格还是轻松明快的。
The leaves fall off with even a light touch, so keep it where it won't be disturbed.
Vaguely, in the not far away, there seems to be a toweringpalace, unreal in the soft light touch and true.
Advanced MCU control technology has light touch interface including start control, temperature control and airflow control to achieve safety and reliable operation.
The last step is to open up with light touch to avoid tear the fine connections.
As the horse learns what you want, just a light touch will suffice.
As the horse learns what you want, just a light touch will suffice.