If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
His eyes grew larger with the proud light within them.
This is a dangerous pitfall in which you could lose your way completely because you lose touch with who you really are: the angel, the creature of light who dwells within you.
The three dial control lets you control the color and ambiance of the light within and the custom made rubber mesh seat ensures optimum comfort during long sittings.
Within 15 light-years of the sun there are approximately 56 stars, in 38 separate stellar systems. I say approximately for several reasons.
In all lasers, light is repeatedly reflected within a mirrored cavity.
There is light existing within a person of light.
On the one hand you may know very well that you carry a spiritual light within, that you are a sensitive, compassionate and wise person.
In fact, two of the 56 stars within 15 light-years are already known to have planets.
There is a light existing within a person of light, that it enlightens the whole world.
Though they are strikingly visible in this image from Spitzer's infrared array camera, they are completely obscured in visible light, buried within the core of the surrounding dust cloud.
Now feel who you are in this great, divine flow: one spark of light within an ocean of living awareness, but an indestructible spark who offers a unique contribution to the whole.
As you can see from the radar data, there appears to be light precipitation within a 30-mile radius of the radar antenna.
Scholes and his team studied the light-harvesting protein complexes within algae by using laser pulses to mimic absorption of sunlight.
I know that I have the light within me, but how do I light it?
Light and dark areas within an image provide contrast that can suggest volume.
Confucianism recommends a devotion to your occupation. The wealth earned from working is also seen in a positive light within Confucianism.
Within our hearts Your light. Within our minds Your truth.
For many it is headaches, ear ringing and dizziness as the body reacts to the expansion of light within its form.
In these cases, just three or four of the thousand stars remained within 330 light-years of Earth.
Creators create light within the Tao to sustain their creations as well as return home when the cycle is complete and all the lessons have been learned.
Kindness expands the light within us and reaches out to touch the light in others as well, giving us all a glimpse of the glow that has the power to enlighten our world.
Lessons about hope, strength, and the light within us that will not be extinguished.
The power of love and light within our soul is now different from the power of what we have known.
And that will become a light within you and that will show you the path.
NGC 7380 is located in the constellation Cepheus about 7, 000 light-years from Earth within the Milky Way Galaxy.
NGC 7380在仙王座,离地球约7000光年远,在银河系中。
NGC 7380 is located in the constellation Cepheus about 7, 000 light-years from Earth within the Milky Way Galaxy.
NGC 7380在仙王座,离地球约7000光年远,在银河系中。