The light that we see with our human eyes as a band of rainbow color falls in the range of what's called visible light.
Visible light consists of different colors or wavelengths, which together make up what's called spectrum, a band of colors, like you see in a rainbow.
Like a rainbow, its daylight equivalent, a moonbow is produced when light is broken up into its constituent colours as it passes through water droplets.
When the Heliotalic frequencies are seen with the inner vision, they appear as pastel, rainbow colors mixed with pale silver, almost like a metallic light frequency.
Observe the energy as it transforms into a rainbow of light energy, lifting from the earth and expanding out into the universe.
For the finale, he creates a rainbow by shining a bright light into a glass sphere containing a single drop of water.
One way to do that is with a spectrograph, which breaks light into a rainbow of colors; artificial light makes for a different sort of rainbow from the one sunlight produces.
This phenomenon is called a chromatic aberration; another example of this effect is seeing a rainbow when you shine white light through a prism.
这种现象叫做“色差”(chromatic aberration);这种效应的另一个例子是,当你将白光照射棱镜时便可以看到彩虹。
So poor conditions have created a out of the silt but not imbrued rainbow of lotus, the brilliant light, colorful nobility.
Another means of pushing such forces from one's presence is to synthesize the field into a rainbow of tones from primary in color to the pastels of the language of light.
These knowledge, like a rainbow, lit up the light in Helen's heart, lit up her inner world, but also set up a bridge of communication between Helen and the world!
The coating will cause a prismatic effect in light refraction, casting all colors of the rainbow, with the base color showing through.
They're a brilliant rainbow after rain and also a light in the dark.
At this time, I suddenly remembered that not long ago science class the teacher talked about "Rainbow Light" a lesson is issued by the sun looks white, but it is the most complex color.
With a theoretical analysis of double vision Angle and double channel reconstruction and experimental result, double reference light rainbow hologram are obtained and recorded.
It was a lake of rainbow light, in which, for a short while, I lived like a dolphin.
A rainbow has shown every color contains only a wavelength of light.
In this paper, a method to record rainbow hologram through coherent image converted by liquid crystal light valve (LCLV) is proposed.
As white light passing through a prism is separated into its constituent frequencies, the colours of the rainbow, so overtones are the colours of the voice.
Well… A double rainbow is a phenomenon of optics that displays a spectrum of light due to the sun shining onto droplets of moisture in the atmosphere… Does that explain it?
Rainbow holography is a major method in white-light holography, which is lack of vertical parallax due to introducing a slit that reduces the view zone of reconstructed images in recording process.
To continue to take a deep breath, once again, the balloon rainbow light inhalation the body, you see a wonderful body of light fluctuations, remember your every cell, every nerve, every blood vessel.
Rainbow Light LED flat five lines: decorative tall luxurious buildings, steps, dance hall highlighting the unique bright colors, as a popular favorite.
Rainbow light with a calm, loving Rourou gently massage your body every organ, every cell, they are in rainbow light in the shiny!
This paper discussed a method analyzing the two-step rainbow hologram. Based on the diffraction theorem of light wave, the imaging formulas of object image and slit image were derived in detail.
Man thick solid palm, the empress light and softly and warmly tapping beam secondary rainbow carries on the behind and really coaxs own kid to fallen asleep like a father's sort.
Man thick solid palm, the empress light and softly and warmly tapping beam secondary rainbow carries on the behind and really coaxs own kid to fallen asleep like a father's sort.