As to making use of gas chromatogram analytical method to study reservoir fluid nature, the author provides a new method-Light Hydrocarbon Analyzing Technology.
Light hydrocarbon tank is one of the main fixtures of natural gas production.
The mechanical seal for light hydrocarbon pump belong to the seal for liquid and gas phases.
Light hydrocarbon mainly comes from the lease condensate of oil field, gas field, nature gas plant, oil refinery.
However, the infrared light flammable gas detector is very suitable for the hydrocarbon with stronger absorbing ability to some frequency band infrared light.
The light hydrocarbon fingerprint analyses include the analysis of natural gas, crude oil and source rocks.
Gas chromatography shows that there are more than 100 compounds in light hydrocarbon pyrolysates.
Through light hydrocarbon analysis of the gas from well Hecan 1, and comparing with former achievements, it is concluded that the gas was product of maturity stage.
So the sealed oil and gas transportation technology is adopted in every oil field, and crude oil stabilizer and gas collector are installed in the union station to recover light hydrocarbon, then…
The gas exhausted from oil tank is cooled by refrigeration with medium to condense light hydrocarbon, so recovering light oil.
Then discuss the advanced technology of vortex tube's application in the pressure-regulating system of natural gas and light hydrocarbon condensate recovery of natural gas industry.
Then discuss the advanced technology of vortex tube's application in the pressure-regulating system of natural gas and light hydrocarbon condensate recovery of natural gas industry.