This “light show” features colorful ribbons of light in the night sky.
Its theme was "fire"; at night the sky over Xichang was as bright as that in the day with the light fire.
On the fourth day, Icommanded the light to appear in the sky and I let the sun rule over the dayand the moon and stars rule during the night.
Objects in the night sky are resources that provide everyone with wonder. But light pollution threatens to prevent those wonderful sights from being seen.
At night, these tall buildings light up the sky in every direction.
The glowworms light the stars all over the sky in the night without moon.
Thee bad news about next month's supermoon is that its brightness will limit what we can see of another light show in the night sky — the Geminid meteor shower.
Asian countries are just like a cluster of bright lanterns. Only when we link them together, can we light up the night sky in our continent.
Sees evil to resist evil soar to the skies to begin to fly, the blood-red color ray of light rows a perfect radian in the black night sky and keen knife already to ghost car but go.
It is a light red color in the night sky.
And always, I think most of the stars at night, they are shining in the night sky enchantingly, and showing my wonderful dream clearly, use its own light to warm up the world!
总是,我想大多数的夜晚的星星,它们在夜空中闪亮的可爱地,并显示我美妙的梦想很明显,用自我的光来热身世界! !
The night sky is very clear today, and the moon hanging in the sky like a tracts, the whole city is enveloped by the light of the moon light, all as if covered with a layer of white veils.
Look, the moon rose up, and the stars seemed to have dimmed light, and only bright as Polaris and the Big Dipper as the spoon is still hanging in the wonderful night sky.
This organization wants to reduce light pollution in the night sky. It also urges the effective use of electric lighting.
The idea of light pollution has developed with the increase of lights in cities. In many areas, this light makes it difficult or impossible to observe stars and planets in the night sky.
Thus Xiamen is the latest to report light magical light towers in the night sky.
In many areas, this light makes it difficult or impossible to observe stars and planets in the night sky.
Out tof the window, the night gradually deep, the moon hangs in the night sky, light glow, white face, much like mom's kind smile!
窗外,夜渐渐深了,一轮明月挂在夜空,淡淡的光辉,洁白无瑕的面容,多像妈妈那慈祥的笑容啊! !
Particles in the sky that reflect urban light emissions reduce the opportunity to enjoy the stars at night.
After what seemed an age the "cosmic light show" faded and once more we lay in quiet companionship under the vaulted canopy of the night sky.
After what seemed an age the "cosmic light show" faded and once more we lay in quiet companionship under the vaulted canopy of the night sky.