The light infantry is well-suited for low-intensity conflicts.
Light infantry battalions are organized to fight successful operations in close terrain in the low - to mid-intensity spectrum of conflict.
Light infantry battalions must be able to use the full depth of the battlefield and rapidly concentrate or shift assets to apply force or influence at the appropriate place and time.
The name comes from the French "les Diables Bleus" or "the Blue Devils," which was the nickname given during World War I to the Chasseurs Alpins, the French Alpine light infantry battalion.
The first two classes provided the cavalry; the third had to serve as heavy infantry; the fourth served either as light infantry without armor or in the fleet for which they probably received wages.
The 7th Infantry Division (Light) at Fort Ord, California, received orders to move at 0415 hours on May 1, 1992.
A sentinel, who wore the light-infantry uniform of a royal regiment, paced the platform with measured tread.
Smaller units such as our infantry and light vehicle can usually cross before sufficiently agitating the veins.
Able to form a defensive circle of spear, and due to their training and light armour, this good medium infantry unit is better able to take and dish out punishment.
Able to form a defensive circle of spear, and due to their training and light armour, this good medium infantry unit is better able to take and dish out punishment.