The optical systems of ray optics and light polarization state transfer are simulated by personal computer with matrix optical method.
PC, a key element in high rate optical fiber communication system, changes any input light polarization state into any desired output light polarization state.
It also introduces the method to settle the transfer problem of the polarization state using the transfer function when polarized light passes through retardation sheet.
This article explains the fundamental conceptions about the state of polarization of light, the left-handed light and the right handed light.
To study light scattering characteristics and polarization state changes in the atmosphere, is to resolve the relative problems of the atmospheric optical communication.
Vector diffraction theory is applied for the investigation of the effects of the polarization state of the illumination light on the aerial images in the optical lithography.
This text introduced the basic principles of polarization detection and the representation of the polarization state of light.
Light is a transverse wave, whose polarization state is classified into the following kinds: complete polarized light, partially polarized light and natural light.
The polarization state of Light source also can be measured. So we can use the data for simulation. Then you can get more real simulation results.
The effects of optical medium including light beam splitter and reflecting metallic film on laser polarization state in a coherent CO_2 lidar are discussed.
Ellipsometry is an optical analytical technique used to determine the optical constants and the film thickness from measurements of the change in polarization state of reflecting light.
The paper reports a method and a spectropolarimeter for determining the polarization state of an emitted or reflected light in terms of its Stokes parameters.
基于该方法成功研制了一台六通道分光偏振计 ,并从空中获得了地面不同目标反射光偏振态的遥测数据。
The paper reports a method and a spectropolarimeter for determining the polarization state of an emitted or reflected light in terms of its Stokes parameters.
基于该方法成功研制了一台六通道分光偏振计 ,并从空中获得了地面不同目标反射光偏振态的遥测数据。