Light coloured, light weight clothes feel cooler in the sun than dark, heavy clothing.
Girl's Purple Tent is on sale! It has light weight and is easy to fit together and take down.
This type of blade is fitted to a light weight wooden snath.
The approach is a light weight and embedded.
It is light weight, so you can not do much wrong by it.
Being light weight and open they are also less prone to being blown away.
The monocoque frame is made of hardwood and is exceptionally light weight.
It has built-in rechargeable battery and looks cool, light weight, small and compact - it weighs only 90g.
Select a small box or bag which is light weight, portable and can hold all of your first aid supplies.
And students like its light weight, which offers a relief from the heavy books that weigh down their backpacks.
Externalizing execution make Oozie engine more light weight, which allows it to support more concurrently running processes.
If this is not the case the black weight will look optically too small when it's combined with the light weight in a line of text.
It will be made of ultra-light weight carbonic materials, filled with helium, powered by solar energy, and moved via remote control.
SCA is bringing a new light weight programming model, but this time, it is standard-based, you are no longer tied to a particular vendor.
This article USES a combination of Argus and racluster (an Argus client) due to its simplicity and light weight for tracking connection status.
本文将使用Argus和racluster (Argus客户机)的组合,因为它十分简单并且是跟踪连接状态的轻量级软件。
Some of the principles behind Mr Murray's car come straight from motorsport: very light weight, great strength, efficient packaging and compact dimensions.
Mozilla also promises Windows 7 integration light weight themes called Personas, as well as an improved form completion feature called awsomeformcomplete.
The Occupant Protection business, headquartered in Phoenix is part of the newly formed Security & Survivability Systems, a technology leader in light weight materials.
The tower’s light weight steel-frame construction is recyclable and environmentally friendly, while the safety glass on the roof creates the effect of a crystal rising in the mountains.
x-heights. If you make a light weight and the black weight of one typeface you'll have to make sure that the black weight has a bigger x-height than the light weight (top line drawing).
The former are light-weight; an individual can readily understand and implement them.
前者是轻量级 的;一个人可以容易地理解并实现它们。
A template for formal, detailed use cases will either slow down development teams or will be ignored by them if what they really need is a template for simple, light-weight use cases.
This dramatic difference is due to the light-weight forward-only cursor that is the default in PDO.
之所以有这么大的差异,是因为在PD o中默认的游标是轻量级的只能向前移动的游标。
The goal of the current article is to provide such a light-weight — but very flexible and customizable — approach.
The plane's steel structure was used for load-bearing walls, while the light-weight aluminum shell and wings were reappropriated as roofing material and exterior walls.
The original main motivation for the project was the need for a light-weight environment for consumption and adaptation of our SAP application platform.
And implementations like F3 do this without compromising on light-weight development model and developer productivity.
而且,象f 3这样的实现完全在无损轻量级开发模型和开发人员生产效率情况下做到了这一点。
One is to use light-weight materials, such as aluminum and magnesium.
So, if you're buying something for your girl, always prefer a light-weight gadget over a bulky one.
So, if you're buying something for your girl, always prefer a light-weight gadget over a bulky one.