It's what's called a "light well" - just fab, right?
We could see very clearly an odd light well seem fore us.
The master bedroom sits above a ground-floor veranda, with a light well at one end.
The void acts not only as a large light well but also encourages natural ventilation within the house.
This diagram shows how the light reaches into the home from the exterior Windows as well as the light Wells.
After six years of the plot. Between the old newspaper found by accident, it is light well killed early people of the island of jersey news.
At the same time, the method of light well point precipitation is also used to decrease the groundwater level, which can ensure the slope stability of foundation.
For the sandy soil foundation with not large drop depth it generally selects to use light well drop, so it can meet the requirement of safety, adaptation and economy.
Light well combines with automatic irrigation plant box on the roof together bring light and cast shadow over upper floor, also depict lush screen for the child's bedroom.
First, the efficiency of light wells alone was computed using the CIE standard overcast sky as a function of light-well dimensions and coefficients of reflection of the sides.
The laser, with its beam of strong light, can drill a hole in a diamond, and yet can be so well controlled that it can be used in delicate eye operations.
The laser, with its beam of strong light, can drill a hole in a diamond, and yet can be so well controlled that it can be used in delicate eye operations.
You are probably well enough to take a little light exercise.
The room lends itself well to summer eating with its light, airy atmosphere.
Edison's most well-known inventions included the electric light bulb.
Quick—come to the light—let me scan thee well!
A recent annual study of countries and their ability to convert growth into well-being sheds some light on that question.
Never put yourself in a dark situation when you feel left out and find it hard to get on well with others, are you ready to light your lamp?
Miroku said that the Bone-Eater's Well reappeared in a pillar of light.
"Many materials can absorb light quite well but not generate electricity-like, for instance, black paint," he explains.
The summer light in the sky, well before 5 a.m., the morning after our son was born there.
When used well, light takes us by the hand and leads us to the important parts of an image.
The use of artificial light was well executed, as is evident by the specular highlights of the paint on the face to give it that extra shiny look.
Three long glass air wells pierce through the first and second level of the building, flooding the interior with natural light as well as “blowing” air through it.
But they were loved for what they had once represented: utility, economy and simplicity, as well as light.
The reward centers that are lit up by well-designed games will light up when we engage with any well-designed interactive system.
We bought him a light prosthesis that fit well.
Much of this is visible light, so that we are well aware of it.
You should wear performance-training shoes if you are a runner who wants a light, well-balanced shoe suitable for racing, speedwork, or daily training.
You should wear performance-training shoes if you are a runner who wants a light, well-balanced shoe suitable for racing, speedwork, or daily training.