It clearly showed that while likability can lead to healthy adjustment, high status has just the opposite effect on us.
In analyzing his and other research, Dr. Prinstein came to another conclusion: likability is related to positive life attitudes.
They found that early attention skills were the most consistent predictor of academic success, and that likability by peers also had a modest effect on academic performance.
For most women: Success is not the same as likability.
They also rated the man’s general likability, kindness, and extroversion.
They also rated the man's general likability, kindness, and extroversion.
As a result, likability can have a profound influence over who gets a job.
The ability to find common ground with others is a cornerstone of likability.
Hi! Miss wang. I am likability of boy! My name is Qian Yi Liang, English name is Mike.
More employers track employees' likability on in-house social networks and chat services.
Likability has something to do with how you look but a lot more to do with how you make people feel.
The adolescents underwent MRI scans while listening and were also asked to rate the songs for likability.
The second reason for establishing likability in 90 seconds or less has to do with the human attentionspan.
Sandberg says she eventually realized that women, unlike men, encountered tradeoffs between success and likability.
Really Useful Attitude is one of the major delivery vehicles of the likability factor-and it works like a charm.
一个真正有用的态度也正是惹人喜爱的主要因素之一- - - - - -并且它还非常有效。
When likability is confused with trust, it can quickly becomes a problem when it's time to make tough decisions.
Part of the problem: for women, success and likability are negatively correlated, while the correlation is positive for men.
For women, success and likability are negatively correlated, while the correlation is positive for men. Women get hung up on that.
One often-cited study from the University of California at Los Angeles revealed that body language accounted for 55% of an individual's likability;
The volunteers rated the interviewees on factors including modesty and likability and the researchers said the man was overwhelmingly liked less than the woman.
志愿者根据对两人的不同表现进行打分,包括他们的谦逊程度和可爱度。 结果表明,男演员受欢迎的程度,大大低于女演员。
The volunteers rated the interviewees on factors including modesty and likability and the researchers said the man was overwhelmingly liked less than the woman.
志愿者根据对两人的不同表现进行打分,包括他们的谦逊程度和可爱度。 结果表明,男演员受欢迎的程度,大大低于女演员。