And, like all such drives, it cost more than expected.
He was, like all such rascals, an amusing fellow, and I came to like him very much.
Of course, like all such analogies, the comparison to today's Middle East is far from exact.
And like all such mental or spiritual gymnastics, this has to be real: it cannot be faked.
On the contrary, like all such upheavals it was hugely costly, not only or principally in money.
Before you take the SUV out for a celebratory spin, though, it is worth bearing in mind that this is only one study, and, like all such, it has its flaws.
Like many issues involving time management, procrastination is a behavioral problem, and like all such problems it can, with sufficient motivation, be changed.
But in any case, this is a well-known term used by Jakobson in this essay which is, like all such terms that somehow wander into other languages, difficult to translate.
Many carnivorous dinosaurs have ambiguous features, such as "peg-like" teeth at the front of the mouth, or no teeth at all.
Like all models, this represents a simplified view of reality: there are no intermediate states under development for example, since the definitions of such states are subjective and ambiguous.
Write it all out, from life goals such as writing "The Great American Novel," to everyday treats like a guilt-free afternoon typing away at your computer writing a story just for fun.
Top it all off with a vinegar-based dressing; experiment to find a tasty one you like, such as mustard vinaigrette for extra flavor.
Trickiest of all perhaps is the question of contingent liabilities such as bank-insurance schemes, public sector pension schemes and the like.
But I didn't come from a culture with terms like "our wife" or a country with such hardship that hope could become the worst heartbreak of all.
Then list all of your liabilities, and begin eliminating expenses you can temporarily live without, such as vacations, entertainment and possibly services like gardening and housecleaning.
Phrases such as "sly as a fox," eat like a pig "or" drunk as a skunk "are all unfair to animals, they claim."
I would really like to thank the conference planning committee for all their work that resulted in such a fine user conference.
The ASN1DataTypes class will wrap all generic ASN.1 functionality, like the authoring of such universal data types as INTEGER and STRING.
"Global markets haven't seen anything like this in such a long, long time that it's hard to but any figure on it at all," he said.
Fillers range from repetitious sounds, such as “uh”, “um” and the dreaded Canadian “eh”, through favourite catch words and phrases, such as “you know”, “anyway”, “all right” and “like”.
“填充词”的范围从重复的无意义的语气词,比如“uh” "um" 还有可怕的加拿大口音的“eh”到流行的一些字句,比如“youknow” "anyway" "allright"以及“like”。
But many theropod dinosaurs have ambiguous features, such as peg-like teeth at the front of the mouth, or no teeth at all.
Trickiest of all perhaps is the question of contingent liabilities such as bank-insurance schemes, public-sector pension schemes and the like.
If those concepts do not comply with a certain pattern (such as the patterns of phone Numbers and email addresses), you can use dictionaries to list all terms that you would like to extract.
The powdery snow glares like broken glass, touching everything as if all of the rooftops and trees and lawns were made of light, as if there were no such thing as darkness.
After all, it is like a tax on income, and as such is not a symptom of growth.
Indeed, a handful had no such desire at all, so they lived like animals, rarely taking a bath or cleaning their teeth with a twig.
Indeed, a handful had no such desire at all, so they lived like animals, rarely taking a bath or cleaning their teeth with a twig.