And yet the town, and its province of Limburg, are Mr Wilders's heartland.
People from Limburg are always welcoming. And you will never forget that feeling.
The river Maas meanders in the east - and forms the natural border with Dutch-Limburg.
Our chorus team headed by Miss. Pan Nan won the gold in "the Limburg International chorus Festival" in Germany.
With Mario Balotelli will be playing at "Parkstad Limburg Stadium" in Kerkrade - Olland - tuesday march 31 st 2009.
The heart of Europe? That is where you find Limburg, a unique Belgian province with amazing possibilities for anyone who lives, works or visits here.
He is accused of organising the attack on the USS Cole in Aden in 2000, when 17 American sailors were killed, and another on a French tanker, the Limburg, in 2002.
Abd al - Rashim al - Nashiri被指责于2000年在亚丁组织袭击了美国战舰USSCole号(致使船上17名海员死亡)和在2002年袭击法国油轮Limburg。
The Limburg Soil Erosion Model (LISEM) is a published example of this language, and it is a physically-based hydrological and soil erosion model on a catchment scale.
The Limburg Soil Erosion Model (LISEM) is a published example of this language, and it is a physically-based hydrological and soil erosion model on a catchment scale.