Read about oatmeal ice cream from Washington, D. C. , and how to throw a lunch-lady potluck when the kids go back to school, or learn how to make grilled corn with chili-lime butter — yum.
Egg products can be substituted in recipes typically made with raw eggs that won't be cooked (for example, Caesar salad, Hollandaise sauce, eggnog, homemade mayonnaise, ice cream, and key lime pie).
Topped with roasted corn&black bean salsa, cilantro and lime cream sauce.
Perfectly developed grapes from the 2008 season have resulted in this perfumed and elegant wine, showing lime, grapefruit, nectarine and melon with a touch of cream and spice.
The lime cream is one of main materials to produce the chemical product epoxypropane.
The dissipated sulfur dioxide was absorbed by the lime cream and applied for preparation of the calcium hydrogen sulfite.
Three soft corn tortillas filled with Fried fish, shredded cabbage, sour cream, hot sauce, and lime. Served with a side of Mexican rice and beans.
This paper takes processing technology of lime cream materials as the major study object, and explores relationship between production process and performance of basic lime cream and mixed system.
This paper takes processing technology of lime cream materials as the major study object, and explores relationship between production process and performance of basic lime cream and mixed system.