The correction method is accepted by patients as it is safe, simple, economical without side effect, and upper limit of age.
Members of Parliament have recently been debating an amendment raising the age limit to 18, but progress has ground to a halt in the face of strong opposition from conservatives.
Or perhaps it’s a symptom of our age, that the problems that bedevil us on Earth limit our interest in other worlds — just when we need them (and the inspiration they offer) most.
The 3,000 turned out to be older than the age they had reported. Of those, 2,000 who exceeded the maximum age limit for their event events will not be allowed to participate in any event next year.
Many states warn women of childbearing age to limit fish consumption because of mercury dangers.
Because writing is the most native people to save a young age all the dreams, joy, sadness, depression, fantasy, and not limit the growth of an expression of grief.
An upper age limit of 70-80 years is common as there is no doctor on board and plenty of stairs.
The majority of 13-16-year-olds have more than 100 'friends' on Facebook whilst more than 750, 000 are using the website below the age limit, which is 13.
The Institute of Medicine recommends 600 units a day for everyone from age 1 to 70 and 800 units for men and women 71 and older, with a safe upper limit for everyone over the age of 9 of 4,000 units.
The age limit for parachuting in the United States is eighteen years of age, the highest age limit, and now the highest age seems to have a 103 year old grandmother, challenged.
Nationwide is raising its age limit for people paying off mortgages by 10 years to 85, in the latest sign of the impact of rising house prices on buyers.
The group said that parents should limit 'total entertainment screen time to less than one to two hours per day, and' discourage screen media exposure 'generally to kids under the age of two.
该学会称,父母应该将每天孩子的屏幕娱乐时间限制在1 -2个小时以下,并建议不要让两岁以下儿童接触带屏媒体。
The actual age on the valid certificates such as ID card, passport and military ID should conform to the age limit of the 2017 Qinhuangdao International Marathon.
Children report or the typical children report is one branch of typical report which belongs to typical figure report, only there are age limit.
Miguel spent about 4 years fighting in Mexico to escape the strict age limit of 16 in Spain.
When makes a debut, they then advocated own music surmounted the nationality bamboo fence, had surmounted the age limit, regardless of 1 year old or 93 years old can like them.
There's no age limit when it comes to being a millionaire these days, and a handful of kids have struck it rich well before they can legally vote.
In part two, two mathematical models for reactive power supply programming in distribution network is presented, the age limit of reactive power supply is added to models.
If we do allow fireworks to be purchased then we must set an age limit that no one can buy fireworks under the age of twenty one.
Objective To investigate the effect of pre - and post-menopausal periods and menopausal-age limit on lipid metabolism in hypertensive women.
Conclusion the lower limit of 95% confidence inter mathematical relationship between BPF and age could be used as an objective criteria for automatic quantification of brain atrophy with computer.
It is deepest that among them it is too supernatural to kill the thought and impact on later age of karma thought to appear to the limit.
The health of the project age limit of 16 years old (born before 2000), 18 years of age minors to participate in the competition shall be signed by the guardian or legal agent.
Thee majority of 13-16-year-olds have more than 100 'friends' on Facebook whilst more than 750,000 are using the website below the age limit, which is 13.
According to fossils in different formations and the isotopic age of magmatic rocks, the article has discussed the time limit of structural events.
The majority of 13-16-year-olds have more than 100 'friends' on Facebook whilst more than 750,000 are using the website below the age limit, which is 13.
The majority of 13-16-year-olds have more than 100 'friends' on Facebook whilst more than 750,000 are using the website below the age limit, which is 13.