Based on the moment estimation of limit state function for calculation of failure probability, a new reliability sensitivity analysis method is presented.
For reliability analysis of implicit limit state function, an improved line sampling method is presented on the basis of sample simulation in the failure region.
For reliability analysis of structure with implicit limit state function, an iterative algorithm was presented on the basis of support vector classification machine.
In this paper the limit strain criterion is used as a limit state function and an improved JC method is used to calculate the reliability index of the stability of the tunnel.
The flutter reliability could be more accurately analyzed by using the proposed method based on a deterministic finite element method in which the limit state function is implicitly represented.
To such a situation, this text has put forward and fitted the reliability problem of solving structure system of method of the state function of limit through the artificial neural network.
Based on the general theory of structure reliability, a limit-state function for assessment of failure pipeline was established and expressed as the normalized random variables.
Transient creep limit is a power function of steady state creep strain rate.
The failure mode and the design reference period of the steel rail are discussed, and the steel rail's performance function at limit state is established too.
The failure mode and the design reference period of the steel rail are discussed, and the steel rail's performance function at limit state is established too.