The volume of new Linden dollars available for purchase can also be adjusted.
You can buy and sell land and artifacts of this virtual world with Linden dollars.
But you won't find any Linden dollars, Eve ISK or Facebook credits down the back of the couch.
但是你不会在沙发后面发现林登元(Linden dollars)、Eve ISK和Facebook信用值。
In Second Life, US dollars can be converted into Linden dollars and vice versa through channels in the virtual environment.
在《第二人生》(Second Life)中,美元和林登元可以通过虚拟环境中的渠道互相兑换。
Will Linden Lab be willing to prop up its currency if growth slows down (which it apparently already has begun to do) or if many users start selling their Linden dollars?
Will Linden Lab be willing to prop up its currency if growth slows down (which it apparently already has begun to do) or if many users start selling their Linden dollars?