If there is a line passing the top of the ruler, and parallel to the equator, then the Angle between the line and the ruler is equal to the latitude here.
EXAMPLE: With no serious competitors, high profits, and a popular new line of products, our company has substantial latitude for growth.
Look across the Pacific, on the same latitude, on the line of the Equator, and one sees the Sunda Plate and the drama of the s American roll on this line.
This paper mainly introduces how to realize plottings of longitude and latitude grid line, standard map fram and type of graph in the geophysical and geochemical map by WIN-SURFER system.
An isometric mesh on the concave of a spherical substrate was formed by latitude line intersection each other, in which latitude lines was generated by a concentric optical scanning method.
As visitors emerge from North Greenwich tube station and look to the right they will see the pavilions and also through them to the cable car along a line of latitude.
The earth was first proved to be an oblate sphere by survey. It was found that the higher the latitude of a place was, the shorter the straight line distance between every degree of meridian was.
When the sun being to us in its autumnal equinox was almost just over my head for I reckon'd my self by observation to be in the latitude of9degrees22minutes north of the line.
When the sun being to us in its autumnal equinox was almost just over my head for I reckon'd my self by observation to be in the latitude of9degrees22minutes north of the line.