Also, the test in Line 13 will fail to detect an error because the result of the call will not be an empty string.
In Listing 16, Line 1 shows the creation of a new mapped error message that is displayed when a value of None (or an empty string) is encountered.
Thus, script gave me the error "Can't find string terminator \343 anywhere before EOF at ./ line 7." (in which \343 was an unrelated character).
因此,script 会报告一个错误“Can'tfindstringterminator \343anywherebeforeEOFat ./4.plline7.” (其中 \343是一个无关字符)。
The error will be encountered at run time at line 3 or line 4 (depending on whether the JPA provider parses a JPQL string according to JPQL grammar during query construction or execution).
在运行时,该错误将出现在第 3或第 4行(具体行数取决于JPA提供者是否在查询构造或执行期间根据JPQL语法解析 JPQL字符串)。
The echo command expects one or more strings, so this line produces an error complaining about the missing closing quote on (what Vim assumes to be) the second string.
echo命令要求一个或多个字符串,因此此行代码将生成一个错误,指出第二个字符串缺少一个右引号(Vim 是这样认为的)。
Line 11 is reporting an error because line 9 started to encapsulate a string withdouble quotation marks, but the string was not fully encapsulated until line 11.
报告第 11行有错误是因为第9行用双引号标出一个字符串的开头,但是这个字符串直到第 11行还没有结束。
Line 11 is reporting an error because line 9 started to encapsulate a string withdouble quotation marks, but the string was not fully encapsulated until line 11.
报告第 11行有错误是因为第9行用双引号标出一个字符串的开头,但是这个字符串直到第 11行还没有结束。