In this process, metal removal is achieved through combining the rotary motion of the milling cutter and linear motions of the workpiece simultaneously.
Reciprocating pumps convert rotary motion to linear motion. Pump speed in RPM determines the pumps output volume for any given combination of cylinder bore and piston stroke.
The automatic door performs the component parameter, and the common forms of the movement of the actuating component are rotary motion, linear motion, curvilinear motion and reciprocating motion.
Linear seal technology with magnetic liquid is a new method for dynamic seal, which can accomplish linear seal and rotary motion seal.
The magnetic mechanism and the driving device composed of the overlapped permanent magnet not only can be used for transferring the linear reciprocating motion but also the rotary motion.
The magnetic mechanism and the driving device composed of the overlapped permanent magnet not only can be used for transferring the linear reciprocating motion but also the rotary motion.