A method for predicting the bending fatigue life of a surface quenched gear is proposed based on two-dimensional linear fracture mechanics and a computer program is developed.
Therefore, linear elastic fracture mechanics can be applied to stability analyses of cracks in mass concrete structures and to improving design methods of hydraulic structures.
Using the results obtained here, we can generalize conveniently and immediately some results of the linear elastic mechanics of fracture to the cases of viscoelastic cracked bodies.
Applying theory of linear elasticity fracture mechanics to the analysis of high strength concrete (HSC) compress shear member's cracking stress, a corresponding model is established in this paper.
The exact solution of linear elastic fracture mechanics is suggested in this paper and the plastic zone of crack tip is calculated under the condition of strain-hardening of material.
The fracture properties of RPC(Reactive Powder Concrete) and fibre RPC are analyzed by the Fictitious Crack Model(FCM) and the linear elastic fracture mechanics.
Modified linear elastic fracture mechanics and finite-element method are applied to determine a sufficient notch or sawcut depth to ensure controlled cracking.
The analysis of cracking in steel Bridges can usually be accomplished by using linear elastic fracture mechanics.
The fail safety of large integrally stiffened panel is investigated based on the linear elastic fracture mechanics and finite element analysis.
Based on Linear interfacial Fracture Mechanics, a new welding joint model-multi layered interfacial model is proposed in this paper.
A new method of testing the critical stress intensity factor for stress corrosion cracking based on linear-elastic fracture mechanics theory and stress corrosion cracking theory was put forward.
The ductile cast iron and the other cast iron usually belong to the brittleness material. It's the fracture toughness should studied by linear elastic mechanics.
On the basis of piece-wise-linear plasticity and fracture mechanics, this article presented a 2-dimensional holonomic and nonholonomic constitutive model for cohesive crack of concrete-like materials.
On the basis of piece-wise-linear plasticity and fracture mechanics, this article presented a 2-dimensional holonomic and nonholonomic constitutive model for cohesive crack of concrete-like materials.