Among the applications are linkage disequilibrium mapping, stem cell evolution, and inference in the fossil record.
Fine mapping of QTL using linkage disequilibrium becomes more and more popular.
On the genomic mapping information linkage disequilibrium between DXS7132 and DXS6804 was shown. Female haplotypes were determined by analyzing family trios.
由于基因组作图信息显示DXS713 2和DXS680 4之间存在紧密连锁,故用家系分析法确定女性的单体型。
The ultimate value of SNPs for linkage and association mapping depends in part on the allele frequencies of the markers and inter-marker linkage disequilibrium across populations.
The ultimate value of SNPs for linkage and association mapping depends in part on the allele frequencies of the markers and inter-marker linkage disequilibrium across populations.