If you know HTML, then you're familiar with the use of linking for anchors, images, applets, plug-ins, and more.
Displayed now in the Cluny Museum, the find was the first evidence linking names to images of Gallic gods such as Cernunnos, shown here, whose horns likely symbolized male fertility.
Linking the position of stars and the location of a lost city and the use of satellite images on a tiny territory to identify the remains buried under dense vegetation, is quite exceptional.
Linking smoothly with the Live MOS sensor, the Venus Engine HD records stunning high-resolution 12-megapixel images with exceptional accuracy.
An. Htaccess file can also be used to prevent others from "hot-linking" to your images (bandwidth theft) or to set up a password protected blog.
An. Htaccess file can also be used to prevent others from "hot-linking" to your images (bandwidth theft) or to set up a password protected blog.