The IBM Linux Technology Center Test department uses this stress test, along with other tools and tests, as a relatively quick and easy way to help validate the stability of Linux kernel releases.
IBMLinuxTechnologyCenterTest部门使用这个压力测试以及其他工具和测试作为帮助确认 Linux内核发行版本稳定性的一个相对快速和简便的途径。
The LXC project consists of a Linux kernel patch and userspace tools.
With all the innovation in the Linux 2.6 kernel, accommodations must be made in the libraries and user space development tools.
随着Linux 2.6内核中的各种革新,程序库和用户空间开发工具也需要有相应的变化。
Several user-interface tools and programs enhance the versatility of the Linux basic kernel.
You'll need a modern Linux kernel, and it helps to have a Linux distribution with many of the power-saving tools built in.
Built on the latest Linux kernel, Ubuntu 9.10 boasts faster boot times, an improved user interface and programming tools for easier software development.
Ubuntu 9.10基于最新版本的Linux2.6.31.1内核,在启动速度,用户界面以及内置编程工具方面均有了明显的改进。
The steps for putting everything together (Linux kernel image, user space tools, root filesystem) into a working system can be found in the step-by-step guide.
在step - by - step指南中,可以找到将所有内容(Linux内核映像、用户空间工具、根文件系统等)整合为一个可用系统的步骤。
Naturally, these are available, along with kernel-level debugging tools common to Linux such as GDB.
Naturally, these are available, along with kernel-level debugging tools common to Linux such as GDB.