The mutilation of COINS occurred when a young Marine made dimes out of pennies, cutting the lip off, to use the COINS in vending machines.
Frank: So I guess your lip ring didn't throw the boss off.2.
Wiping a mustache of foam off his upper lip, Radclif said: "What's your name, son?"
Allegedly, because of the lip-synch-proof demand from organizers of SF Gala in recent years, some actors decided to quit the Gala due to their singing-off-key during the rehearsal.
You're warm-hearted but oblivious at times. Your friends have to remind you to wipe the foam off your lip.
Aishwarya Rai opted for a black off-shoulder, fish cut gown with neatly tied hair at the back and shocking red lip colour.
He maneuvered his swinging foot until it found the lip of the lower hatch, then moved off onto the security of this middle room's floor.
Great tooth, can you brush aside someone to slice off the lip?
You u'rewarm-hearted but oblivious at times. Your friends have to remind you to wipethe foam off your lip.
你是个热心肠的人,但有时候有点健忘。你的朋友们得时常提醒你:要把嘴唇上的咖啡沫擦掉。 。
May: I agree with you on that. Much better to sound off sometimes than to lip-synch.
He shaved the mustache off his upper lip.
As I cut a tiny piece of wire with sharp pliers, it shot off unexpectedly. I felt that little piece of metal hit my lip and then stick somewhere in my throat!
Your Lip Pick: Opt for a rosy lip to show off your earthy roots.
Mrs Heathcliff curled her lip, and walked to a seat far off, where she kept her word by playing the part of a statue during the remainder of my stay.
After playing these games, I think the whole body to give off heat suddenly, the face blanch, the lip turns purple, the mouth spits the foam.
The principle that much lip seals off and extensive use in moving in moving back and forth and rotating the main body of a book has been introduced mainly.
The principle that much lip seals off and extensive use in moving in moving back and forth and rotating the main body of a book has been introduced mainly.