Properties: blue powder. dissolvable in water. undissolvable in alcohol and lipin.
Widely used in pharmacy, food and lipin. Agree with material of different viscosity.
Natural cleaner of skin, more tender cleansing to the dirt of pore and the toxin, absorbing extra lipin and cutin.
Objective:To study the effects of paecilomyces cicadida on immunity and lipin metabolism and internal organs of rats.
Objective To study the antioxidant effects of loquat leaf flavanone on lipin and provide the basis for the loquat leaf resources development use.
Objective: To study the antioxidant effects of loquat leaf flavanone on lipin and pro-vide the evidence for exploitation and utilization of loquat leaf resources.
Objective to research the relation between differentiation of symptoms and signs in the stroke recovery period and the oxygen free radical lipin peroxidation metabolism.
Objective: to observe the effect of decoction of lowering lipin to calm the liver on insulin resistance of non-alcohol adiposis hepatica rats, and to approach the mechanism of action as well.
Objective: to observe the effect of decoction of lowering lipin to calm the liver on insulin resistance of non-alcohol adiposis hepatica rats, and to approach the mechanism of action as well.