The bank had sufficient liquid assets to continue operations.
Say the fund holds large positions in illiquid assets. The fund cannot immediately sell these assets, except at a fatal loss, so it would sell its more liquid assets.
The Banks' spending increases the money supply in the form of additional currency, demand deposits, and other highly liquid assets.
Fund managers typically keep 20% of (unrealized) trading profits. But first they must realize that 20% by selling the liquid assets.
Under the new rules, firms will have to hold enough highly liquid assets to meet potential net cash outflows over a 30 day stress scenario.
In most cases, the profit is at least slightly overestimated because of slippage in the liquid assets.
Yet the assumption must be that crises will still happen. Hence it is vital that Banks carry bigger safety buffers of capital and liquid assets.
The totalitarian State will not have an empty treasury so long as private companies or individuals still have ample cash or liquid assets.
But don't be so sure that the neighbor with all the cool ATVs, skidoos, swimming pool, and latest car is actually wealthy (has liquid assets), or even happy.
Its remit will be to ensure that individual Banks comply with capital-adequacy rules, have sufficient liquid assets and spread their lending risks.
But accepting a wide spectrum of collateral helps in a crisis when Banks are reluctant to surrender their liquid assets.
Supervisors learnt from the many crises in emerging markets over the years and made sure that banks had decent capital ratios and plenty of liquid assets.
Banks have-for now, at least-amassed enough equity to get by without having to offload their least liquid assets.
At first these went into safe, liquid assets like American Treasury bonds-the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 was still a recent memory and many countries were keen to amass reserves.
一开始,这笔钱用在了安全、流动性强的资产比如美国国债——1997- 98年的亚洲金融危机还历历在目,许多国家都渴望积聚外汇储备。
Suppose we were to graph a household's consumer spending as a function of cash-on-hand, which equals current income plus liquid assets, holding constant expected future income.
They will hold a certain amount of capital, they'll hold some of their liquid assets on deposit with the central bank.
The turmoil in money markets revealed that some Banks put aside too few liquid assets to meet a cash squeeze.
The bulk of the LIA's assets, say two foreigners who served on its international advisory board, sit in cash and liquid assets.
When markets are less liquid, assets stay on the balance-sheets for longer.
Likewise, few can seriously object to its demand that Banks hold enough liquid assets to withstand a severe, month-long liquidity shock.
Holding low-yielding liquid assets is costly for commercial Banks.
The private cost to Banks of being light on liquid assets was clearly too low compared with the public cost that the liquidity squeeze produced in terms of instability and high interest rates.
A decade ago, his expertise fully matured when he took the natural next step and launched Liquid Assets consulting group, an experiential marketing and consulting group centered on wine and food.
As of 2007, the bottom 80 percent of American households held about 7% of the liquid financial assets.
The unemployed typically have few liquid assets to fall back on and little chance of a loan from the bank.
Now that you have a hold on your liquid assets, upgrade the rest of your grocery list by avoiding the 13 Worst "Healthy" Foods in the Supermarket.
He reckoned that people like to have some liquid assets on hand if possible, in case of emergency.
He reckoned that people like to have some liquid assets on hand if possible, in case of emergency.