The function of sugar melting machine is to prepare for liquid sugar for flavoring.
Such flavoring liquid had composite flavor of pits flavor and fermented grains flavor and aftertaste clear.
Pickle juice is another preservation/flavoring liquid you might want to hold on to, as well.
A colorless aromatic liquid, C10H 18o, obtained from citronella and certain other essential oils or produced synthetically and used in making perfumes and as a commercial flavoring.
一种无色有芳香气味的液体,C10 H18o,从香茅油和其他原油中提取或人工制成,用于制作香水和商业香料。
Yellow water flavoring liquid was produced by yellow water after primary filtration and addition of high activity bio-enzyme processed by catalyzing beat cracking.
The flavoring liquid & Sauce: Chinese Wine Pickle, Sweet-Sour & Hot Sauce, Chilli Sauce etc.
And the flavoring substances in leaching liquid of distiller's grains could be reclaimed to produce spice for liquor-making.
Put product(icecream, yogurt, etc. )into a sturdy serving cup along with ingredients such as liquid flavoring, and mix-ins such as candy, cookies, fruit or other condiments. ;
Add sour material, flavoring essence and natural edible pigment into the mixed material liquid, pour, mold and dry till with 12 to 20 percent of water to get the production.
将酸味剂、食用香精、食用色素加到混合料液;将混合料液浇注成型、干燥至水份12 ~ 20%即得成品。
Add sour material, flavoring essence and natural edible pigment into the mixed material liquid, pour, mold and dry till with 12 to 20 percent of water to get the production.
将酸味剂、食用香精、食用色素加到混合料液;将混合料液浇注成型、干燥至水份12 ~ 20%即得成品。