But Iceland's leaders had long been warned of the potential damage of a liquidity squeeze.
That exacerbated the liquidity squeeze that forced the three companies to hoist the white flag.
Following the central bank's action, the Saad group suffered what it describes as a "liquidity squeeze".
There was a decrease in the commercial bank placement due to the liquidity squeeze in commercial banks.
As soon as the Fed had achieved its inflation-fighting goal, however, it would end the liquidity squeeze.
Like most of the people they regulated, the central bankers did not factor in the full effects of a liquidity squeeze.
When the Fed ends a liquidity squeeze, it turns the pieces right side up. So it is easy to reassemble the puzzle.
The Fed's new swap lines with other central banks are an important reassurance for countries that face a liquidity squeeze;
But there was a sharp spike in money-market interest rates after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, a liquidity squeeze and a notable shift in deposits.
And they have also, in effect, acknowledged the international nature of the liquidity squeeze, by promising to provide reciprocal currency-swap lines.
The downturn was not caused by a liquidity squeeze, so the Fed cannot wave its wand and return asset prices to their pre-recession configuration.
With Fed rulers agreeing that the liquidity squeeze had intensified and traders betting on a recession, markets decided that variant 50bp cut must be imminent.
With Fed governors admitting that the liquidity squeeze had intensified and traders betting on a recession, markets decided that another 50bp cut must be forthcoming.
The Fed’s new swap lines with other central banks are an important reassurance for countries that face a liquidity squeeze; those swap lines deserve to be systematised and broadened.
What might in normal times have been a brief liquidity squeeze became a death grip as Banks ordered to keep record levels of funds in reserves to fight inflation withheld even routine loans.
What might in normal times have been a brief liquidity squeeze became a death grip, as Banks ordered to keep record levels of funds in reserves to fight inflation withheld even routine loans.
The private cost to Banks of being light on liquid assets was clearly too low compared with the public cost that the liquidity squeeze produced in terms of instability and high interest rates.
Hedge funds that exploit the approach can use a lot of borrowed money, so a squeeze on credit will cause the liquidity to dry up.
They can still squeeze liquidity out of the economy, as the Federal Reserve did in the early 1980s, or create a deluge, as it did earlier in this decade.
Worries of a credit squeeze have prompted central Banks in the U.S., Europe, Australia and Japan to inject billions of dollars into the money markets to raise liquidity and market confidence.
Worries of a credit squeeze have prompted central Banks in the U.S., Europe, Australia and Japan to inject billions of dollars into the money markets to raise liquidity and market confidence.