When studying on the supervision on listed company performance manipulation, the administrator's role has been emphasized increasingly.
Second, The test results show that:(1):there is a significant positive correlation between the listed company performance and executive compensation;
The performance evaluation for the maritime listed company is from the view of the social investors.
Our company guarantee to the user that the machines listed in this guarantee card has good performance and complete parts.
The TMT salary mechanism has begun to work in Chinese listed company, and it has positive effect on firm performance.
Performance evaluation of listed company had been concerned by a lot of people, the choice of evaluation criteria related to the economic interests of many stakeholders.
In the third part there is a framework design for the performance evaluation system of maritime listed company which involves three parts.
But there are many problems such as restructuring of the listed company is too often, etc. They greatly influence the performance of restructuring.
Recently, people are paying dose attention to the problem about THD evaluation of listed company management performance.
The performance indexes of the Listed Automobile Company are set up by the way of Delphi Method. By the survey of experts, we can get the framework.
The strategy analysis tools and the means of performance are the performance evaluation in the real estate listed company.
This paper selects 98 samples from 2003 in Chinese listed-company, and analyzes the divestiture performance of listed-company by factor analysis.
As a leading iron company in China, BaoSteel not only stays ahead in its industry, but also shows an outstanding performance among all listed companies.
At home we have Sincere Securities evaluation system, "listed company" performance evaluation system, the performance evaluation system for the owned-country capital, and so on.
There are indications that the coming period, prices dropped to a certain extent inevitable, this will inevitably affect the real estate company listed on the performance of the second quarter level.
When other big shareholders of listed company possess strong equity restriction, the performance is relatively better.
In the end of the paper, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used to search the Listed Automobile Company performance by the model.
The performance of company would greatly affect people's evaluation of CEO reputation, and earnings management is very common among listed companies in China.
With the adjustment of industrial structure in China, listed company carries on the asset reorganization in succession in order to improve company performance by integrating own resources.
With the adjustment of industrial structure in China, listed company carries on the asset reorganization in succession in order to improve company performance by integrating own resources.