Foreword part makes a simple review of the studies on Yi Jian Zhi and ghost cultural in literature realm, and elucidates the meaning of writing.
The first chapter is introduction, the main purpose of which is to draw forth the research purpose and writing thought through the introduction of the background and literature review.
The first chapter introduces some of the major topics of the background and significance, domestic and foreign outside research status of the literature review, essay writing basic ideas and methods.
We point out that the commonplace world is not the continuant of Life and review Lu Yao's writing ideology and the contribution he has made to the Chinese contemporary literature.
A review of the literature on teaching writing brought the newly developed e-portfolio and well-received process writing into the author's view.
The introduction is a brief literature review on the critique which has been made on his literary thought and points out the writing characteristic and outline of this thesis.
Emphasis will be placed on the development of individual writing and literature review skills.
Emphasis will be placed on the development of individual writing and literature review skills.