Any of several tropical and subtropical live-bearing fishes of the genus Poecilia or Mollienesia, commonly kept in aquariums.
This is worth bearing in mind: I now strongly suspect that anybody who claims to be commenting live from any event is unlikely to remember much about what happened.
I began to live a double life - a very religious person on the outside, with the appearance of a perfect life, but bearing hell inside of me.
Astronomical objects generally don't live up to their names, with constellations like Taurus or Aries bearing little resemblance to a bull or ram.
Milton Mills, M.D. : "the reason I decided to go into medicine was that I wanted to help people understand... that the way we eat and live has a direct bearing on our health."
With the dual status of being both peasants and soldiers, they live in a state of suspension and alienation, bearing the dual loss of value facing females and themselves.
It's very hard to write your own resume because a resume is a macro view of your life, but you live your life at the micro level, obsessing about daily details that have no bearing on your resume.
Women who have twins naturally may live longer and have other child-bearing advantages compared with non-twin-bearing mothers, a study finds.
It 's very hard to write your own resume because a resume is a macro view of your life, but you live your life at the micro level, obsessing about daily details that have no bearing on your resume.
Typically, they have only one live branch with a few twigs bearing needles;
Typically, they have only one live branch with a few twigs bearing needles;