When you live a balanced life you can shift your focus in the right direction for a certain period of time (whether it's a day or a year) without completely neglecting other areas of life.
Nobody can be right all the time, but its a lot easier to live with bad decisions that you believed in when you made them than with those your advisors say are right but your gut says are wrong.
I have learnt what works for me and what doesn't when choosing towns to live in and I naturally find these places when the time is right.
I'm in an in-between time now — between being nothing and something, but I don't let it get me down.i live happy in the present, but I don't forget the future because right now, it's all I have.
For the first time in her life she felt it wasn't right to live in the world without at least inquiring where it came from.
Yea need not all these games, ey need only loving and caring for fellow man, and the desire to live in right manner, by the simple rules given to all, since time began most likely.
Yea need not all these games, ey need only loving and caring for fellow man, and the desire to live in right manner, by the simple rules given to all, since time began most likely.