Despite the world's population being almost equally divided between urban and rural dwellers, the vast majority without access to water and sanitation live in rural areas.
According to world Bank research, 55 percent of the world's population will live in urban areas by 2020.
The findings — consistent with research in more urban regions — may apply to others in the world, whether they live in smaller towns or cosmopolitan areas, Sutin said.
The urban population shot up by 13.46 percent over the past decade, which means nearly half of Chinese people live in urban areas, the census stated.
Approximately 25 percent of the world's population live in coastal areas and most of the largest urban concentrations are on the coast.
India has about 1.4 million medical practitioners, 74% of whom live in urban areas where they serve only 28% of the population, while the rural population remains largely underserved.
UNHCR estimates that as many as half of the 10.5 million refugees under its mandate now live in urban areas.
The Internet is changing the way people live, whether they are in urban or rural areas.
Couples in most urban areas typically live in smaller homes compared with the past, and they lack space to store gadgets or items they will use only occasionally.
The Internet is changing the way people live, (no matter) whether they are in urban or rural areas.
About 84% of the population live in urban areas.
大约84 %的人口居住在城市地区。
The Internet is changing the way people live, no matter whether they are in urban or rural areas.
In the United States, more than three-quarters of the people live in urban areas.
People who live in rural areas is carefree, not as big as the work of urban stress.
The World Bank recently reported that people who live in urban areas are more likely to be a little richer and a little healthier than people in rural areas.
If they do move to urban areas with their parents, they may not sit exams for senior high school in the city where they live. They must return to their place of registration.
If they do move to urban areas with their parents, they may not participate in exams for senior high school in the city where they live and are forced instead to return to their place of registration.
By 2025 nearly two-thrids of the world's population will live in urban areas.
Most Americans live in the suburb which is far fi 'om urban areas and their working places. So they need cars to go shopping and go to work. And they also like traveling far.
Most Americans live in the suburb which is far fi 'om urban areas and their working places. So they need cars to go shopping and go to work. And they also like traveling far.