How can you live the high life if you do not wear the high heels?
I currently live in Utah, where the slogan is "Life Elevated." It's a nod to outdoor recreation in the high country, including the ski industry.
He set such a high standard for the rest of us to live up to in life and in spirit.
However we can all still endeavour to live our life with high principles and decide to make the focus of our life something noble and worthy.
May you, like that little stream, the high peaks that life as a starting point, all the way to jump all the way to the Pentium, bravely, live bravely toward the sea.
Our life has been changed by the high-tech, we live in a fast-pace world.
And some other rules are to build up the kids' character in order that he or she can live a life of high quality, such as delay of gratification, keep one's promise.
In addition, the villa was required to meet high sustainability standards and to be a home for life, with provision for live-in care should that become necessary some time in the future.
The proper perspective of well-preserved life is to enjoy high quality of living, both psychologically and physically. It means to live longer as well as better.
正确的抗衰老观念是在任何年龄段都获得高品质的生活,无论心理还是生理。 不但要活得长久,还要好好地活着。
Now that he's been made bankrupt he has had to abandon the high life and live much more frugally.
Longing for the high quality of life: Residence clean and comfortable, Couples romantic harmony, Enough to live comfortably.
A male user, "Yang Tingting", says "the cost of marriage nowadays is too high; people would rather live a different life. "
Most parent flocks are vaccinated with both live vaccines and killed oil-emulsion products which produce a high level of maternal antibody that protects the chick for its first 3-4 weeks of life.
I have wanted to eat healthier foods, live an active lifestyle. and I now have the desire to exercise, which is something that I have not had in my life since high school.
Having left the boring life in senior high school, now I'm in a more loose condition to study. I have more time and rights to decide how I live.
Having left the boring life in senior high school, now I'm in a more loose condition to study. I have more time and rights to decide how I live.