They farm fungi, raise aphids as livestock, launch armies to war, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse enemies, capture slaves, engage in child labour, exchange information ceaselessly.
On a small family farm in Mongolia, a rooster struts around little Bayar's bed, a goat drinks from his bathwater and livestock serve as babysitters.
The report said the AgBank officers had agreed to make a loan to a villager named Wang Jian for his livestock farm.
Employment rates increased: More efficient crop production on terraces and the diversification of agriculture and livestock production have brought about new on-farm and off-farm employment.
When fed to their cows and pigs, that high-quality corn produced far more milk and meat. As a result, the family bought more livestock - and the farm grew.
She argued that the decedent had taken her to the farm and had pointed out the livestock and farm implements he owned.
The pair had posed as livestock farmers interested in buying at least 40 to 50 alpacas so they could get a credible letter of invitation to visit his farm and be approved for visas.
Some 450,000 of America's 1.3m livestock farms qualify as "confined feeding operations" (a poultry farm, for example, with more than 30,000 hens).
Some 450, 000 of America's 1.3m livestock farms qualify as "confined feeding operations" (a poultry farm, for example, with more than 30, 000 hens).
However, there are some significant barriers to this change, including livestock and farm management issues, consumer resistance and the gradual nature of change in food tastes.
The project prepares to introduce funds and technology to produce relevant farm and livestock machinery.
The studying and application widest methods were presented. And practical application of these methods in livestock farm wastewater treatment.
The farmer raised a lot of livestock, he needs an assistant to help him catch these animals back to farm, can you help him?
At the county fair last year, prizes were given for the best farm products and livestock.
This article summarized the construction safe-environment livestock and poultry farm design idea, the characteristic, the type, the existence question and the prospects for development.
The effects of country living contamination, urban runoff contamination, livestock and poultry farm runoff and other pollutions on the water environment make the water body suffering hard.
In this paper, it describes the character of the sewage drains from livestock and poultry farm, and puts forward its treatment countermeasures.
Set on a secluded rural farm, it's about a man who lives alone on a farm with his livestock.
And while China is not yet a bona fide "factory-farm nation" like the United States and most of Europe, the strains of its fast-growing livestock sector are becoming harder to ignore.
These technologies combined with farm services make up the core of the Company's livestock operations.
In Dejinghe, the poor village north of Beijing, the only livestock farm nearby is a piggery. It is owned by li Jun and Shen Jinlin, not Wang Jian.
In Dejinghe, the poor village north of Beijing, the only livestock farm nearby is a piggery. It is owned by li Jun and Shen Jinlin, not Wang Jian.