This is also so for many living in other places who are also Hawaiian at heart.
He watched the servicemen of the company in training before looking round an education room, a bedroom, wash-cum-bath house and other places to take deep care of their service and living.
"In other places we looked at, the cost of living was pretty high compared to here," says Hill.
Americans gathered in bars, living rooms and other places rode an emotional roller coaster, their hopes high on multiple occassions only to be dashed in the end.
I have to add that I only have experience with living in two places in China, so I might be wrong about this, concerning other places.
In other places people who died from the mist would come back to life and attack the living.
As for me, I do believe in UFO, we live in the earth which is only a small part of the universe, how can we say there is no other living creatures in the other places.
对于我来说,我相信U FO的存在,我们生活在地球,这只是宇宙中很小的一部分,我们怎么能说在其他地方就没有其他生物呢。
By the end of the century, we will have discovered other places in our solar system suitable for living and we will have discovered ways to go further into space.
Living in Beijing is a real blessing, since all other places have to make sacrifices to ensure Beijing's water and electricity supply.
We are all the visitors who are living in other people's places, and we will give up everything we are bringing eventually. What is something we cannot to lose for today?
We are all the visitors who are living in other people's places, and we will give up everything we are bringing eventually. What is something we cannot to lose for today?