Among them was LL Cool J, in a tailor-made fawn-colored suit.
LL Cool J (James Todd Smith) was born on January 14, 1968, and raised by his grandparents in Queens, NY.
LL: Funky has several meanings, but in this case, it means cool, unique, and unusual.
LL: I guess you can't really chug a cup of hot tea, but what about a bottle of cool water?
冷的水当然可以了。 只要不是热的,其他饮料都可以一饮而尽嘛。
LL: No, you didn't lose your cool, you were calm.
噢,don't loseyourcool是要我冷静, 不要生气发火。
Ivan: that 's cool! I want to get myself a pacifier and a cradle. I am sure I' ll surprise everyone.
We think of ours as a bunch of cool stories that have led us to where we are and will show us where we "ll go."
We think of ours as a bunch of cool stories that have led us to where we are and will show us where we "ll go."