For example, an administrator should be able to change the rules that govern loan origination.
For example, this approach enables portlet generation from the business services, such as loan origination.
This helps streamline document - and forms-intensive processes such as account opening and loan origination.
The process goes into the Initialized state and invokes the loan origination business rules component to get the approval type.
Now suppose the bank must develop an Internet service, on-line banking, or an on-line loan origination system for its customers if it is to remain competitive.
For example in a loan origination scenario some loans are automatically approved and rejected while others are dispatched to a loan officer for manual processing.
As an example, it is common to see services taxonomies that align with account administration, loan origination, customer management and other key business areas.
This diagram depicts retail lending as a high level business service that comprises multiple processes such as loan origination, loan servicing, and loan closure.
When calculating days to "Complete", we again use the listing start date and loan origination date to determine the average number of days it takes for a loan to originate.
First, it is important to remember that finding borrowers is never the hard part of the loan origination business, especially one geared toward making loans to people with poor credit histories;
So, in theory a borrower could default in month 32 of a 36-month loan term and investors will receive the full credit for the origination fee.
We can also see that the loan type, whole or fractional, has minimal impact on origination time;
We can also see that the loan type, whole or fractional, has minimal impact on origination time;