In Tuanjie village, outside Gyegu, relief workers distributed blankets at the local monastery but said the high altitude is limiting their ability to fly in food.
The rain brought some relief to local farmers.
David Darg, a medical relief worker in Haiti, told the BBC he had visited an area near Saint-Marc which - according to local residents - was the source of the outbreak.
The central government allocated 38.437 billion yuan in rescue and relief funds and local governments, 24.328 billion yuan.
Food and water are not a problem here: Relief distribution centers are piled high with bottled water and vegetables, while local people are providing rice and other cooked food.
With 17,000 or so local and foreign aid-workers in Darfur trying to help the victims, the relief operation is still the largest of its kind in the world.
With 17, 000 or so local and foreign aid-workers in Darfur trying to help the victims, the relief operation is still the largest of its kind in the world.
As local conditions is limited, the voice of Andy Lau is very little fuzzy, had to use body language to express his relief to the officers and men of my highest consideration.
Every attempt by local specialists advised by renowned European consultants to treat the sickness brings no more than temporary relief.
The secretary of state says the U. S. aid package includes family relief kits, tents, radios, generators and food, much of it purchased from local sources in Pakistan.
In those systems requiring a combined Temperature and Pressure Safety Relief Valve, the Temperature and Pressure Safety Relief Valve should be sized and installed in accordance with Local Codes.
A configuration revealing the endless view to the horizon and was born out of consideration for the steep relief and the local traditional materials.
Pressure Relief Valve sized and installed in accordance with Local Codes must be incorporated in the system.
The reason for the crash, Indonesia relief agencies responsible to the local media revealed that the incident airspace initially low visibility, it is likely the plane crash caused by bad weather.
For privacy and sanitary reasons, the Tzu Chi aid relief team in Sichuan's Jiuling Village took care of a local problem, by installing curtains in the compound lavatories.
Relief fund mechanism for road traffic accidents put in the practice after the law enactment in the four years, but the local mechanisms start-up and the implementation need time.
CONCLUSIONS: Disaster response in the early phase of earthquake relief is complex, with local facilities often overwhelmed and damaged.
So there are many squires such as Chen in Late Ming. The groups are active in the local. Different from the official relief, the local relief became popular in south of Yangtze River.
Jiangxi local officials and scholars are force at the core of providing disaster relief, the main forms of which have: relief supply, relief loan, etc.
In the earthquake relief, enterprises in the park, whether local or multinational, vigorously interpret and practice the sacred enterprise social responsibility in the new age.
Local people speak of the inevitable summer monsoon, which will bring relief from the spring drought.
Relief map employed by the drawing is1:20006degrees elevation relief map with local coordinates and provided by hydrochina. huadong engineering corporation.
A new goestress measurement method, called local borehole-wall complete stress relief method(LBWCSRM), is proposed in this paper.
Sodium bicarbonate sitz baths and topical vegetable oils may provide some local relief.
Vibratory stress relief (VSR) can reduce the residual stress in component. The mainly cause is microcosmic plastic deformation of local region.
Winter is less sparse for the people of Yaoan County in Yunnan, China, as volunteers deliver aid relief to help local residents who are rebuilding from last year's earthquake in July.
Winter is less sparse for the people of Yaoan County in Yunnan, China, as volunteers deliver aid relief to help local residents who are rebuilding from last year's earthquake in July.