You may have your throat sprayed with a local anesthetic before the test begins and given medication through a vein to help you relax during the examination.
Chili and mustard work as both a local anesthetic and a deep-heat treatment to ease stiff and painful muscles.
Your physician will numb the area with a local anesthetic if the procedure is to be done while you are awake.
The patient remained fully conscious after the local anesthetic was administered.
Your throat will be sprayed with a local anesthetic before the test begins to numb your throat and prevent gagging.
First, a local anesthetic is used to numb the skin above the injection site. Using X-rays, the needle is guided into the epidural space.
"They say the needle pricks like an ant bite," he explained, when the first patient flinched at the local anesthetic.
A synthetic amide, C14H22N2O, used chiefly in the form of its hydrochloride as a local anesthetic and antiarrhythmic agent.
利多卡因一种合成氨化物,c14 h 22n2o,主要用它的盐酸盐作局部麻醉剂和抗。
If some people feel that it is pain, you can do a local anesthetic.
Conclusion 2% mepivacaine is a safe and efficacious local anesthetic drug in conservative dentistry.
Objective To discuss the influence on algaesthesis of local anesthetic solution with different temperatures.
Onset of anesthesia were observed, perfect time for local anesthetic dosage, hemodynamic changes before and after anesthesia.
The addition of epinephrine to local anesthetic solutions produces vasoconstriction.
The local anesthetic, analgesia, muscular relaxation of GTX2,3 were studied by rat sciatic anesthesia, mouse hot plate and mouse climbing web tests respectively.
But because of the toxicity of the local anesthetic, especially long effect of local anesthetic bupivacaine as the representation with strong toxicity, so application are restrict in clinic.
Have you ever had any adverse reactions to a local anesthetic?
Objective To reveal the advantages and disadvantages of the application of isobaric and hyperbaric local anesthetic in spinal anesthesia so as to provide reference for clinical practice.
The decay is very deep, so I will use a local anesthetic before drilling.
Conclusion Injection of local anesthetic solution with body temperature can improve the threshold of sense of pain and release pain during surgery.
The doctor injects a local anesthetic into the skin over the area that is suspected of being the source of nerve pain.
Therefore, scholars have begun to study sustained-release local anesthetic delivery system.
As might be anticipated, the addition of intravenous sedation to a local anesthetic increases the complication rate.
It can make accurate nerve localization, guide the block needle to the target nerves, observe local anesthetic spread.
A local anesthetic is used to numb the skin and all the tissue down to the disc area.
The skin and tissue over the procedure site is numbed with an injection of local anesthetic.
开始,患者俯卧手术台,术区表面的皮肤软组织注射局麻药物麻醉。 。
The skin and tissue over the procedure site is numbed with an injection of local anesthetic.
开始,患者俯卧手术台,术区表面的皮肤软组织注射局麻药物麻醉。 。