The nl_langinfo() function returns specific local information.
Now, more and more local information and local service sites have emerged.
The algorithm is distributed because it requires only local information at every node.
Since there is at least one in every city, it is a great source for local information.
Inquiries from would-be investors are often sent directly to the local information provider.
Everything is very distributed: They don't all talk to each other. They act on local information.
A JVM can rely on this assumption, storing additional thread-local information within the JNIEnv.
This algorithm was distributed and based on local information, and it could prevent deadlock.
Last, use local information to build face neighbor, perfectly solve the problem and promote efficiency.
That's how swarm intelligence works: simple creatures following simple rules, each one acting on local information.
Whatever the flavor or color of your local paper, do remember that these are read avidly for local information.
Such facilities, in fact, "allow travelers to fill up on local information and take a break-physically and mentally."
First, while mobile use for local information seems to be growing, the trend is still a mile wide and an inch deep.
A push transfers some local information to a remote repository, and a pull copies remote information to the local repository.
The area model of skeleton pixel is constructed to establish the relationship between skeleton radius and local information.
Idea of drainage area based on whole image information takes account of local information when it is applied on gradient image.
Taking full advantage of text images' whole and local information, this algorithm has the advantages of fast speed and nice effect.
Adaptive protection device USES local information only and can only adapt to changes of system impedance of less area of power system.
Consider the deficiency of current routing strategies, we propose a new local information based routing strategy on a scale-free network.
Concepts of local information and global information were introduced to describe the information acquiring ability of a social participant.
Individually, these ants are following a simple set of rules and acting on local information: follow the pheromone clues and bring food back to the nest.
When the relative information accumulated to a certain degree, the databases of the local information resources of West Anhui should be constructed.
Select Category Bao local information website on more than a marketing way, you more than a market share, more than one attempt will be more of a harvest.
The HHT adaptively takes advantage of the local information of a signal at a certain time to obtain the instantaneous information of the signal at that time.
In order to enhance the exploratory ability, the pattern search is incorporated to improve the particle which provides effective local information for the EM.
This two-part article series shows you how to create a catalog-style realtor Web site that lets users to browse for properties, local information, and mortgage rates.
The local information resources of West Anhui includes ten major contents, so it is necessary to construct the local information resources of Wanxi step by step.
For instance, we'll have to assure users of Topeka news and Topeka Maps that these services will continue to offer news and local information from across the globe.
The algorithm which made use of local information of the sensor networks colors the conflict nodes in the conflict graphics to eliminate the collision of the networks.
The network management, the Tangshan local information life-support services enterprise, just was founded, hoped that has more people to join, creates the miracle together!