The state, in an attempt to reduce local property taxes, planned to raise more money for schools through a tax on business profits.
The teachers are angry over a proposed property-tax cap, which will cut education spending at the local level.
This article analyzes the relationship between property tax and local public finance in the view of public sector economics.
In addition, because the land value-added tax and property tax are the tax needs of the local implementation of specific operation of the IRD.
With a 33-bill "tool-kit" to cut local spending on his summer agenda, he will find shrewd compromising, as on the property tax, far more appealing than a paralytic tug-of-war.
The property tax is regarded as the main tax category of the local tax revenue, and it is also a main source of the local fiscal revenues.
The property tax is regarded as the main tax category of the local tax revenue, and it is also a main source of the local fiscal revenues.