Like a local variable declaration in many languages, a nested method is only visible inside the enclosing method.
After the local variable declaration, the subroutine will make a pass through every query word specified searching for a metaphone match in the name or jobresponsibilities hashes.
Next time you need to generate the declaration of a local variable, you can go back to this source and use it as reference.
Also as the name says, implicitly typed local variable, you cannot use var for field declaration or constant variables, therefore following declarations will both produce a compiler error.
The local declaration in A saved a new temporary value, AAA, in the package variable $lo.
Every local variable must appear in a declaration statement before being used in any other kind of statement.
This means that the value of a local constant is undefined until the constant declaration statement is reached and that a local variable is undefined until the variable is assigned to in the function.
This means that the value of a local constant is undefined until the constant declaration statement is reached and that a local variable is undefined until the variable is assigned to in the function.