Locate objects of interest in this file, and copy the objects.
But it said that it could not locate users based on the file on the phone, and that it collected the information in an anonymous and encrypted form.
Locate your file in the default content group.
In this way, you locate the file.
A user can browse his hard drive, locate a file, and view PDF documents within an SWT application, as shown in Figure 1.
用户可以在SWT应用程序中浏览其硬盘驱动器、定位文件和查看PD f文档,如图1中所示。
If GRUB 2 can't locate its configuration file, it will present you with a grub> prompt.
如果GRUB2不能定位到其配置文件,它将会显示 grub>提示。
Locate the license file or the license server.
Locate the asset file that you downloaded, and select the repository from the list to publish it. (See Figure 11.)
Locate your service wrapper WSDL file (COATSAccess.wsdl) and click OK.
定位服务包装器wsdl文件(COATSAccess . wsdl)并单击ok。
Locate the Ecore file that was exported from RSA before utilizing the appropriate Browse button.
Locate the JSP file in your Web project and right mouse click.
Locate the ConnectionURL property in the persistence.xml file.
在persistence .xml文件中找到ConnectionUR l属性。
Locate the c10 \ configuration \ qfs_config.xml file and make a backup copy.
找到c10 \configuration \ qfs_config . xml文件并做一个备份。
With the fields stored in the index, instead of using the Document to locate the original file or data and load it, you can actually pull the data out of the Document.
That way, the CSS file will correctly locate the image in the Rails distribution.
Click the Browse button and locate an.rptdesign file on the filesystem.
Click Browse to locate the resource adapter file, ciceci.rar.
单击Browse定位资源管理器文件ciceci.rar 。
Under Buildfile, click Browser workspace to locate your Ant file inside the workspace.
Open the sources folder and locate the file ei.cfg.
打开sources文件夹,定位到ei . cfg文件。
On the "Installing a Web module" page, use the Browse button to locate the WAR file.
To remove the file that looks like it has no name, simply use find with the -inum switch to locate the inumber and file.
Archive: the JAR file used to locate the executable applet class.
Select Browse to locate the HelloWorldSSB.wsdl file.
选择Browse来定位HelloWorldSSB .wsdl文件。
Click Browse to locate the.zip file or the self-contained HTM or HTML layout file, and then click OK.
Next, create a sca-contribution.xml file so that Open sca can locate your composite file.
接下来,创建sca - contribution . xml文件,以便Opensca定位您的组合文件。
To locate the local file, select option local WSDL or XSD file or both, and click Next.
In the WebSphere \ AppServer \ event \ application file structure locate the event-message.jacl script and execute it with the following parameters.
该教本位于在WebSphere \AppServer \event \application目录下的位event -message . jacl文件中,并使用下面的参数来执行。
Unzip the appsvcs-fileuploader-war- file and locate the WEB-INF/web.xml file.
解压缩 appsvcs-fileuploader-war-文件并找到 WEB-INF/web.xml 文件。
Click Load, locate the key file (for example, ibmcloud_your.name@us.ibm.com_rs) in your local disk, and click Open.