He established a system for locating points on the Earth's surface similar to our latitude and longitude.
What would be the bottom surface of the block is then skimmed flat, and locating dowel pin holes are drilled.
Objective: To explore the anatomic features of the deep branch of radial nerve (DBRNs) after leaving supinator-tunnel and provide a method for locating it at body surface.
The carrying handle has simple structure, reliable locating and reasonable stress distribution, and is suitable for use in relatively large and heavy box and with surface decoration layer.
Based on the part surface errors and fixture setup errors, locating error model of three-dimensional part is built.
A workpiece resting on a flat surface will be definitely located by two holes which fit over two locating pins in the jig or fixture.
The light detection module group is integrated on the bearing seat, and corresponds to the side surface of the sliding rod with the locating grooves.
Aiming at the image recognition and locating problems of IC in production of high-speed and high-precision surface mounting machine, tasks of IC vision detection are introduced.
For locating the critical failure surface, the particle swarm or the harmony method is used, which is an upper bound approach.
For locating the critical failure surface, the particle swarm or the harmony method is used, which is an upper bound approach.