“In terms of process,” Sheehan explains, “we made each glade a location in our ILS, and we bought stickers the same width as our spine labels, with the glade names.
They also said the location of the labels on the packaging made a difference.
We used Logarithmic Distance Path Loss Model to locate after LANDMARC and filter reference labels of TOP K second time. Finally we promoted the precision of location.
Location of the speed reducer's and voltage's labels see motor's dimension drawing. The voltage in the label is AC220 ~ 240v.
减速器标签与电压标签按外形图所示位置粘贴,电压标签:ac220 ~ 240v。
Location of the speed reducer's and voltage's labels see motor's dimension drawing. The voltage in the label is AC220 ~ 240v.
减速器标签与电压标签按外形图所示位置粘贴,电压标签:ac220 ~ 240v。