The variation of water and sand is studied under the influence of the rainfall and human activity in the fore and aft er management of small watershed in gully region of the loess plateau.
This paper explored the difference of farm households land management behavior based on investigation in wangdonggou watershed in gully region of loess plateau.
The variation of water and sand is studied under the influence of the rainfall and human activity in the fore and after management of small watershed in gully region of the loess plateau.
Hippophae rhamnoide is a nicer shrub species for plantation becoming savageness. This population could renew very well in Hilly-gully region of Loess plateau.
研究结论如下: 沙棘是一个良好的人工林天然化灌木物种,在黄土丘陵区该种群更新良好。
So the grass, and arbor vegetation should be rehabilitated and developed quickly in order to decrease soil erosion in Hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau, and then decrease soil nutrients loss.
Comparison of dryland potential yield increase in gully and hilly regions of Loess Plateau shows that potential yield increase in hilly region is 117.6%, and only 56.6%in gully region.
在黄土台塬区和丘陵区中,丘陵区的粮食增产潜力较台塬区大,前者尚有117.6 %增产能力,后者仅56.6%。
The variation of water and sand is studied under the influence of the rainfall and human activity, in the fore and after management of small watershed in gully region of the loess plateau.
The characteristics of soil aggregates fractal dimension and its responses to vegetation rehabilitation were studied in the Hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau.
The characteristics of soil aggregates fractal dimension and its responses to vegetation rehabilitation were studied in the Hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau.